Since its inception, APTAU/Business Members, APTA Leadership and staff have stepped up collectively and individually to actively support and participate in Iyai+’s critically important pilot programming. WE greatly appreciate the early confidence and active support of APTA’s Business Members that has been an important contributor to our Program’s success. The tremendous APTA staff support of Pam Boswell, Vice President, Workforce Development, Jasmine Richmond, Polly Hanson, and Joe Niegoski. And the support of BMBG’s Workforce Development Committee, chaired by Michael Allegra.

Michael Allegra
KivAllegra Consulting
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is a nonprofit international association of 1,500 public and private sector organizations which represent an industry a $71 billion industry that directly employs 430,000 people and supports millions of private sector jobs. APTA members are engaged in the areas of bus, paratransit, light rail, commuter rail, subways, waterborne services, and inter-city and high-speed passenger rail. APTA is the only association in North America that represents all modes of public transportation.
Learn More about APTA, APTAU: Delivering the Future-Ready Workforce, the Association’s one-stop education, professional, career, and workforce development center for members. Its Diversity and Inclusion Council which serves as an advocate and support for advancing diversity and inclusion practices throughout the Association and industry. And encourages, promotes,and celebrates diversity throughout all levels of the Association during the normal course of the Association’s business and programs.