Inspire, Excite, and Actively Engage Youth in COMMUNITY-BUILDING …
Our nation’s critical infrastructure sectors are facing significant workforce development challenges!
These critical infrastructure sectors shape lives, households, local communities – and the daily quality of life for Americans.
And, at the same time directly impact our national competitiveness, sustainability, resilience, safety and national security.
At iyai+, we are committed to increasing the career awareness and interest of ALL of nation’s youth in our nation’s critical infrastructure sectors – with emphasis on increasing exposure to historically under-represented groups – young women, people of color, youth from areas of persistent poverty , and historically disadvantaged areas.
We do that by reframing the image to one of “community-building” -- centered around impacts to people, communities, and society – the importance of civic engagement and public service!
Our YOUTH Sharing Their Stories
At iyai+, we are deeply committed to helping our YOUTH be strong, confident, self-sufficient, engaged people and caring members of society. Youth VOICE and meaningful engagement in problem identification and problem-solving within their communities is embedded in all aspects of our work.
Our “My Beloved Community” transformative justice program element developed in collaboration with the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race & Justice, Harvard University Law School encourages youth to apply their class and learned experiences to Tell Their Stories (in the form of “docu-shorts”).
Students share their insights regarding the impact of critical infrastructure on their personal lives, community, and society – as one way to help them understand this important connection. And encourage them to personally care about the importance of community participation – and public service.