Why invest in our nation’s transportation infrastructure and workers? Because it matters!Watch this video to

Hearing on “Investing in our Nation’s Transportation Infrastructure and Workers: Why it Matters”

(Beverly A. Scott, Ph.D., Founder, “Introducing Youth to American Infrastructure+”)Last year, we launched “Introducing Youth to

Looking for Community-Builders: Infrastructure Careers are Lifetime Work

ELISANGELA OLIVEIRA, a bridge painter for the New York City Department of Transportation. “Jobs To

A “new” NEW DEAL: Unlocking the “Triple Bottom Line”

The NewsHour did a segment on an innovative job placement program in Chicago, and featured

PBS NewsHour Profiles CTA “2nd Chance” Program

Why do under-represented & marginalized groups continue to exist in the face of unbelievable hardship?

“Just Do It: BE the Change You Want to See” – featuring Iyai+ Board member, Tre’ Grisby