Why do under-represented & marginalized groups continue to exist in the face of unbelievable hardship? We are resilient. We adapt. We create solutions to our own problems. My solution to the lack of inclusion in tech is to organize my own conference, my own way.

#causeascene Conf is an event without borders, which is designed to be safe space for members of under-represented and marginalized communities in tech to tell their stories. To share what they’re working on, what they’ve experienced, their tech enabled hopes and dreams. This is an opportunity for these, often sidelined and silenced, individuals to use the platform to amplify their voices, uncensored, in a very authentic manner.

Job/Coaching Fair 2:00 – 5:00pm PST
(for members of marginalized groups in tech)
Conference 6:30-11:00pm PST

Microsoft Reactor
680 Folsom St,
San Francisco, CA

Speaker – Tre’ Grisby  One Benefits the Many